Cardinal DiNardo's Statement on the 41st Anniversary of Roe v. Wade Decision
January 22, 2014
Today we face another sad anniversary of Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court Decision of 1973 legalizing abortion on demand. Pope Francis recently said “a human being is always sacred and inviolable, in any situation and at every stage of development.” On this anniversary, I ask all the faithful and our fellow supporters of life to pray and work for the protection of all persons from conception to natural death.
Today, thousands of pro-life persons, young and old, but especially the young, are gathered in Washington, DC, for the Annual March for Life. They are there as a joyful witness and presence for life and they are there in solidarity for those working for the protection of the unborn.
They are there to urge our nation’s political leaders to enact laws that will protect the unborn, that promote a culture of life and that consistently respect the inviolable worth of each person.
Unborn children are the most defenseless and innocent among us. It is devastating to consider the more than 55 million innocent lives lost to abortion since 1973. They need a voice and need to be named. Help us be that voice and name. And may the Lord grant us renewed fervor to end this slaughter.