A Shepherd's Message - Christmas 2024
December 23, 2024
“Promise fills the sky with light,
Stars, and angels dance in flight;
Joy of heaven shall now unbind
Chains of evil from mankind.
Love and joy their power shall break,
And for a newborn prince’s sake,
Never since the world began
Such a light such dark did span.”
— Ralph Vaughan Williams, “Hodie,” Musical Cantata for Christmas, 1954
Darkness and chains of evil seem to be the way many people today describe our current world situation of war, hunger and wicked deeds. Perhaps they might look at the times 2,000 years ago and find analogous perils of violence and human malice. The simple stanza above from Vaughan Williams’ beautiful Christmas cantata, “Hodie,” which means “Today!,” summarizes in a succinct chorale the history and sad plight of human beings.
But the chorale is positive, even joyful: its opening word is “Promise.” The promise is the word of God the Father, who, through many dark ages and seemingly crooked paths, was always guiding the Jewish people towards fulfillment, a completion that would bring an end to chains of oppression, sin and darkness. In the last days, God has sent His SON, the Word Made Flesh, whose coming makes joy arise everywhere and, if possible, even makes the angels “dance.”
Joy and Love, the gifts of the Infant Christ, break the power base of evil, of discord, of separation! Once the power base is broken, the ongoing work and formation of bringing such joy and love to the surrounding world begins. It spans the entire cosmos! Never since the world began had there been such light shining in the world. The light on the face of the Infant Christ melts human beings once they see it. They are renewed. Hope is aroused.
If you want some empirical proof of this fact, look at the face of the Virgin Mary, pay attention to her words of beautiful obedience, and listen to her voice singing that extravagant Magnificat.
We are to become disciples of Hope. Pope Francis is opening a Holy Year on Christmas Eve, and the theme of the year is HOPE. I know that we in this Archdiocese will be attentive to such a call and invitation!
Merry Christmas!