April 29, 2020

Letter to the Faithful

On one hand, this closure of churches to the public has been necessary for the safeguarding of public health, and we must continue to be mindful of the advice of governmental authorities.  At the same time, I have heard the continued pleas of so many of the faithful and priests for access to the spiritual strength and nourishment of the sacraments after enduring so many weeks of stay-at-home orders. Therefore, I believe the time has arrived to look forward to how this local church can cautiously resume some of its essential activities.

April 12, 2020

Cardinal DiNardo's Easter Message

Holy Week and Easter this year occur in a time of great anxiety, peril, even fear. An insidious and silent pandemic has infiltrated the world — our world — and has turned everything upside down.

April 5, 2020

Cardinal DiNardo shares a video reflection on Palm Sunday

"In these days of this pandemic, we may feel at times isolated or alone. Look to Jesus Christ. We are not alone." - Daniel Cardinal DiNardo

March 26, 2020

Cardinal DiNardo to celebrate Chrism Mass April 7

"While we are saddened by our continued inability to be present to one another in person, the prayer of the Church transcends space and time. Even as we may feel helpless or unable to act as human beings at times, we are reminded that the Holy Spirit cannot be bound."

March 25, 2020

Cardinal DiNardo joins Pope Francis in praying the Our Father on the Solemnity of the Annunciation

Cardinal DiNardo prays the Our Father for peace and an end to the coronavirus pandemic.

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Houston, Texas 77002
Fax: 713-659-3444

Jonah Dycus
Secretariat Director of Communications