A Community Effort
The joy of the gospel fills the hearts and lives of all who encounter Jesus. Those who accept his offer of salvation are set free from sin, sorrow, inner emptiness and loneliness. With Christ, joy is constantly born anew.
–Pope Francis, Evangelii Gaudium
Wonderful things happen when people work together. As a member of your Parish Pastoral Council, you undoubtedly joined because you are eager to support your pastor’s vision regarding specific faith-based goals for the parish that tie to the archdiocese’s mission of spirituality of communion.
As advisory bodies to the pastor, you already bring positive, enthusiastic, and joyful attitudes to the planning process. If you have not embarked on a Parish Action Plan, what obstacles are you encountering? Do you find planning a difficult task? Do you feel you lack confidence or sufficient skill on the council to determine what to focus on and how to carry out the planning tasks?
The good news? The archdiocese has developed a purposeful and intentional process to assist you. The better news? There are experts “at-the-ready” to take you through the steps required for a successful planning process. Planning is not a solitary effort – it “takes a village”. Jesus had a team behind Him. You have a team to support you, and with the ultimate coach behind us, the Holy Spirit, we cannot fail.
Are you ready to help your parish grow in discipleship for Christ and serve the community? Members of the Pastoral Council should meet with the pastor to get the process started and understand his vision. Look around to see if you have the correct skills among council members to take your pastor’s vision and form the pastoral plan. If you require assistance, don’t hesitate to come to us. Let the archdiocese help you “get with the plan”.
To discern how to include new members in your parish Pastoral Council, please contact us.
Check Pope Francis’ Evangelii Gaudium exhortation to live our faith in communitarian joy. How does this apply to your Pastoral Council?
Review Jim Townsend's article, explaining how Pastoral Planning starts with love and listening in our communities. A great tool for reflection in your pastoral council!